Canonical Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem

2001 - Present


News Alert: January 2011

"Two officials close to the Jerusalem patriarchate, one a prominent bishop who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, confirmed Theofilos is holding Irineos against his will over their feud ...."

Patriarch behind locked doors in Jerusalem (read Jerusalem Post article)

(AP Photo)

(AP Photo)

Greek Newspaper Ethniko Kyrika (EQNIKOS KHRYX):  "Irenaios is the Canonical Patriarch of Jerusalem"

Ethniko Kyrika article, page 1

Ethniko Kyrika article, page 2


      2nd Article from Ethniko Kyrika (EQNIKOS KHRYX) in support of Patriarch Irenaios:

 Ethniko Kyrika article#2





"In accordance with the applicable law in East Jerusalem, Patriarch Ireneos is still the legitimate Patriarch enjoying full powers"

Read below how the Official Government Commission clears Patriarch Irenaios of any wrongdoing .

The Palestinian Commission Report Conclusion